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The Mystery of Decaffeinated Coffee

Caffeine has become America's most popular drug by far. 90% of Americans consume caffeine in one form or another every single day. Most of it comes from drinking coffee. But if you're a coffee lover who prefers to avoid caffeine, you can still enjoy a cup of coffee that delivers rich flavor with decaffeinated coffee.
It's how the caffeine is extracted from coffee beans that is a mystery for most of us. These are some of the methods currently used for decaffeinating.

Direct Contact Method

In the direct contact method the beans come directly in contact with decaffeinating agents, such as methylene chloride, after being softened by water or steam. Caffeine is removed by directly soaking the materials in the methylene chloride.

Indirect Contact Method

With the indirect contact method a water and coffee solution is used to draw off the caffeine. The solution containing the caffeine is then treated with a decaffeinating agent, such as ethyl acetate, and mixed back into the beans for re-absorption of the flavorings.Sometimes this method is referred to as naturally decaffeinated because ethyl acetate is a chemical found naturally in many fruits.

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The Legend of Coffee

According to one legend (no idea is the legend is real or not), the great effect of coffee beans was noticed by a smart sheep herder from Caffa, in Ethiopia named Kaldi as he was watching his sheep. He noticed that his sheep became happy and very active after eating the red fruits of this unusual plant, the fruits look like red "cherries" . Kaldi, the shepherd soon realized that it was the bright red cherries on the plant that were causing the funny euphoria and after trying the cherries himself, he learned about the great effect .According to one legend (no idea is the legend is real or not), the great effect of coffee beans was noticed by a smart sheep herder from Caffa, in Ethiopia named Kaldi as he was watching his sheep. He noticed that his sheep became happy and very active after eating the red fruits of this unusual plant, the fruits look like red "cherries" . Kaldi, the shepherd soon realized that it was the bright red cherries on the plant that were causing the funny euphoria and after trying the cherries himself, he learned about the great effect .According to one legend (no idea is the legend is real or not), the great effect of coffee beans was noticed by a smart sheep herder from Caffa, in Ethiopia named Kaldi as he was watching his sheep. He noticed that his sheep became happy and very active after eating the red fruits of this unusual plant, the fruits look like red "cherries" . Kaldi, the shepherd soon realized that it was the bright red cherries on the plant that were causing the funny euphoria and after trying the cherries himself, he learned about the great effect .According to one legend (no idea is the legend is real or not), the great effect of coffee beans was noticed by a smart sheep herder from Caffa, in Ethiopia named Kaldi as he was watching his sheep. He noticed that his sheep became happy and very active after eating the red fruits of this unusual plant, the fruits look like red "cherries" . Kaldi, the shepherd soon realized that it was the bright red cherries on the plant that were causing the funny euphoria and after trying the cherries himself, he learned about the great effect .According to one legend (no idea is the legend is real or not), the great effect of coffee beans was noticed by a smart sheep herder from Caffa, in Ethiopia named Kaldi as he was watching his sheep. He noticed that his sheep became happy and very active after eating the red fruits of this unusual plant, the fruits look like red "cherries" . Kaldi, the shepherd soon realized that it was the bright red cherries on the plant that were causing the funny euphoria and after trying the cherries himself, he learned about the great effect . Read More

The Latest In Coffee Machines

Coffee has been around a long time, but did you know that coffee makers have been too? The oldest one we know is the ibrik, a copper container used in ancient Turkey. It had a long handle with a grooved tongue and produced a very strong coffee, since there is no filtration involved. It is still used today.

If you think Turkish coffee is a little too thick for you, there are many other types of coffee machines to choose from. From simple to state of the art, you have your c... Read More

The Kitchen And Espresso Machines - Coffees Worldwide

Interestingly enough most people picture espresso machines steaming away next to coffee makers either in the comfort of a kitchen or at the local coffeehouse. Ethiopia gave birth to the coffee craze that has flooded across worldwide borders. It still produces coffee from wild treed forests its sub-tropical environment. Coffee can only be grown in that environment or in the world's tropical regions, where they get plenty of sun and needed rain.

Coffee growth is restrict...

Interestingly enough most people picture espresso machines steaming away next to coffee makers either in the comfort of a kitchen or at the local coffeehouse. Ethiopia gave birth to the coffee craze that has flooded across worldwide borders. It still produces coffee from wild treed forests its sub-tropical environment. Coffee can only be grown in that environment or in the world's tropical regions, where they get plenty of sun and needed rain.

Coffee growth is restrict...

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The Ins And Outs Of Coffee Grinders: Your Guide To Buying Online

In order to make a really good espresso coffee, it is important that the coffee beans are ground in the correct manner. How finely they need to be ground depends on the brewing method used; if these two aspects are not properly matched, the full aromatic flavor will not be extracted and the cup of coffee produced will be substandard - coffee beans that are too finely ground will produce coffee that tastes overly bitter, whilst too-coarse beans will produce weak, bland and in... Read More

The Ins And Outs Of Coffee

Coffee is a big money maker in the world and has changed the way that people approach life all over the world. There billions of people who use coffee for various reasons, but mostly either for a pick me up or because they really do enjoy the taste of the coffee. You will find that the legends that are about the coffee plant goes clear back to 500 BC where it was discovered in Ethiopia. It was then brought to Arabia and that is where coffee got it’s name.

During the renai...

Coffee is a big money maker in the world and has changed the way that people approach life all over the world. There billions of people who use coffee for various reasons, but mostly either for a pick me up or because they really do enjoy the taste of the coffee. You will find that the legends that are about the coffee plant goes clear back to 500 BC where it was discovered in Ethiopia. It was then brought to Arabia and that is where coffee got it’s name.

During the renai...

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The Incredible Effects Of Coffee On Male Fertility

Coffee contains an ingredient called caffeine, which makes the drink stimulating. A shepherd first discovered the coffee bean’s stimulating effect by observing how his goats became energetic and began hopping around when they ate the leaves and fruits of the coffee tree. He tried the fruits himself and discovered that he felt happier, more alert and with more vivacity than before. A monk of the region, which is present day Ethiopia, began to use an infusion of fruits to keep ...

Coffee contains an ingredient called caffeine, which makes the drink stimulating. A shepherd first discovered the coffee bean’s stimulating effect by observing how his goats became energetic and began hopping around when they ate the leaves and fruits of the coffee tree. He tried the fruits himself and discovered that he felt happier, more alert and with more vivacity than before. A monk of the region, which is present day Ethiopia, began to use an infusion of fruits to keep ...

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The Incomparable Premium Gourmet Coffee

Coffee has top choices when it comes to quality in taste and flavor. Of course, coffee enthusiasts know the difference of what is considered “rich gourmet” as compared to “instant” blends.

Coffee has top choices when it comes to quality in taste and flavor. Of course, coffee enthusiasts know the difference of what is considered “rich gourmet” as compared to “instant” blends.

Coffee has top choices when it comes to quality in taste and flavor. Of course, coffee enthusiasts know the difference of what is considered “rich gourmet” as compared to “instant” blends.

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The Ideal Coffee Machine For The Coffee Lover

Coffee machines is a machine that is found in all homes, dorms and offices of coffee drinkers. Different types of coffee machines are built to be used in different places; there are also coffee makers that can be used in a RV, a big rig and to take along with you when you go camping.

The different types of coffee machines in the market today have individual features in a variety of colors, size, price, size and finish. The different types of coffee machines found today are...

Coffee machines is a machine that is found in all homes, dorms and offices of coffee drinkers. Different types of coffee machines are built to be used in different places; there are also coffee makers that can be used in a RV, a big rig and to take along with you when you go camping.

The different types of coffee machines in the market today have individual features in a variety of colors, size, price, size and finish. The different types of coffee machines found today are...

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