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Tips for Finding the Best Coffee Makers

Many people love to take their breakfast with their best buddy – the coffee maker. This happens almost every morning and every time they feel like sipping a good cup of coffee. Well, coffee makers are really coffee addicts’ best-friend. It is always there, ready to make your best cup of coffee. Because of this, coffee makers need to be treated with best care. The decision of choosing and finding it is something that should not be taken for granted. After all, you are going to spend bucks just to acquire it. Read More

The Coffee Maker Style Guide

According to some statistics, 52 percent of Americans are coffee drinkers.  This translates to more than 100 million people who drink coffee daily. Americans are a diverse population and far from unanimously agreeing on what makes a good cup of coffee. Fortunately, there are several different styles of coffee makers available today. Read More

Coffee Grounds & Your Future

Reading your fortune with coffee is a lot like taking a Rorschach test. You need to get the big picture and interpret the symbols correctly to know what lies ahead.

Here's the step-by-step guide to how to prepare to read c

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Coffee and Health

Coffee and health used to be a controversial theme in the seventies. Nowadays, moderate coffee consumption is rather exonerated from its supposed negative long term effects upon health. My mother used to be one of those persons who taught her offspring, in its early ages, that coffee is not bad. It is bad bad bad! In consequence, I managed to keep away from coffee. At least until the difficult age of 10, when, as I remember, I was permitted to join mother and neighbor-friends at the coffee-tattle table. Read More

Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans: What a Great Snack!

Most people have some form of sweet tooth, and many also like the taste and smell of a fresh cup of coffee.  Though the tastes of sweets and that of coffee are very different, they make a great match, since sugar helps to offset the slightly acidic bitterness of coffee.  One of the best examples of this is the great taste of chocolate covered coffee beans.  If you're a coffee lover, a chocolate lover, or both, chocolate covered coffee beans make a great snack. Read More

And You Thought Coffee Was Bad For You!!

Recent research has shown that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the American diet. Antioxidants are nutrients that are responsible for protecting your body's cells from being destroyed by toxins. This destruction has been linked to an increased risk of certain medical conditions, such as cancer, heart disease and others. Read More

All About Drip Coffee Makers

Drip coffee makers are some of the most commonly used coffee makers in the United States. They are easy to use and inexpensive to own and operate. Available in a wide variety of styles, colors and sizes, there's a drip coffee maker to fit any kitchen. One study reports that automatic drip coffee makers are the most purchased small kitchen appliance. Approximately 14 million automatic drip coffee makers are sold each year. Read More

A Coffee Roaster For All Occasions

Coffee roasters and those who roast, brew and serve the ultimate cup of coffee are now esteemed professionals within the social fabric of our community at large. A good coffee roaster is a little like a celebrity chef these days, complete with loyal followings, highly descriptive reviews and the ability to command premium prices for their products and services. As coffee continues to grow in elevation from merely a mundane beverage to something of art form, a good coffee roaster has begun to take on a glamorous aura. Read More

A Brief History of Espresso

Luigi Bezzera, the owner of a manufacturing business, invented Espresso at the turn of the century.  Luigi Bezzera was simply trying to figure out a way to brew coffee faster.  He figured if he could just add pressure to the brewing process it would speed things up.  Thus the "Fast Coffee Machine" was created.  His idea of a fast cup of coffee turned out much better than he had planned, what he ended up with is a better, fuller tasting cup of strong coffee, as well as a much faster process.  He found that the quicker more efficient brewing method allowed for the quality of the beans to be extracted as opposed to over-extracting he had previously experienced.  The term "Espresso" means fast in Italian, hence the term. Read More
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